
We help B2B companies connect with their ideal customers

InfoVibez is an award-winning B2B data provider with over 10 years experience. Our data is unique and comes from a blend of sources that are not available anywhere else as a single file. We also provide services such as data cleansing, analytics and consultancy to ensure your data is kept squeaky clean.

12 Years of reliable data

For over a decade, InfoVibez has enabled businesses to access millions of business leads to support and foster business growth. Additionally, we work hard to keep your information up-to-date and accurate through our data hygiene and enhancement services.

Our data is unique and comes from a blend of sources that are not available anywhere else as a single file. We also provide services such as data cleansing, analytics and consultancy to ensure your data is kept squeaky clean.

No matter how big your business or what your growth goals look like, we can help you finally hit exclusive numbers and breeze past the competition. With an ever-expanding database and constantly refreshed buying intel from our InfoVibez Research & Data Teams, our data gives you a direct connection to decision-makers and the insights to nail your pitch.

Get access to the highest quality data

0 M+
B2B Contacts with
Email Addresses
0 M+
Global Company
0 %
0 +

How we stand out

  • Lowest Price on the Web
  • We offer twice the amount of leads at the same price as compared to others!
  • We have the Industry’s leading deliverability warranty of 95%

How we stand out

Lowest Price on the Web. We offer twice the amount of leads at the same price as compared to others!

High Quality data

We have the Industry's leading deliverability warranty of 95%

Our data is unique

Our data is unique and comes from a blend of sources that are not available anywhere else as a single file. We also provide services such as data cleansing, analytics and consultancy to ensure your data is kept squeaky clean.

No matter how big your business

No matter how big your business or what your growth goals look like, we can help you finally hit exclusive numbers and breeze past the competition. With an ever-expanding database and constantly refreshed buying intel from our InfoVibez Research & Data Teams, our data gives you a direct connection to decision-makers and the insights to nail your pitch.

Who We Are

InfoVibez was founded in 2011. We’re an international team of more than 60, speaking 4 languages. Our goal is to help lead gen, sales and recruitment professionals build meaningful B2B relationships. Our marketing data experts have helped companies of all sizes to maximise the potential of their marketing strategies…

Our Mission

People change. So should their data. After spending decades in the contact space and CRM space, we noticed that contact data isn’t evolving as quickly as the technology we use to access it. We’re building the most Adapt-able business contact database on the planet.

Our Story

We’re an international team who are passionate about data and the role it can play in prospecting. We are working to provide transformative solutions to help revenue teams drive predictable lead generation and improve conversions across all your sales engagements.

Our Partners